P-04-511 Support for children and young people participation standards – Petitioner to the Chair 14.08.15

Petition Committee Response on behalf of Powys Youth Forum - 14/10/15


Dear William Powell AM,

Thank you very much for the documents which we were sent regarding the support for the Children and Young People Participation Standards petition.  

Our members have raised a number of key concerns regarding the current movement and changes being implemented. 

1. In Children in Wales letter they say that they want to be the 'hub' of the participation standards but from what we understand they don't seem to be offering any support to the young inspector teams and are instead assuming this should be left to individual Local Authorities to carry out which we would raise concerns about. 

2. Children in Wales have made a commitment to 'refresh' the standards and make sure they are deliverable which we are glad to see, however we want to make sure that they do not lose their impact or effect across parts of Wales where these standards are making organisations think particularly hard about children and young people participation.

While we appreciate that the changes that Children in Wales mention in their letter indicate that there will be some development with the National Standards programme, we are incredibly disappointed that the actions seem to be extremely lacking in detail. 

Furthermore Children in Wales have just (late September/Early October) brought in a consultant to speak to Local Authorities about what standards system they are using or wish to use, despite this petition being raised in November 2013. This delay in any National leadership on the Standards increases the feeling within Local Authorities that the Standards no longer hold the value that they once had!


Powys Youth Forum